Have you invested in the funds through unit-linked plans? If yes, then it's about time to make use of the 'switching' feature, which the plan offers.
Now, if you have been under the impression that ULIPS have been badly hit because of the negative performance of the stock market then you are probably wrong. You might be surprised to know that such has not been the case with market-linked plans. ULIP investors are still going strong.
Advantage of Ulips is the switch feature. This enables the policyholders to adjust their asset allocation between debt and Equity depending on their life stage, risk appetite and the Market conditions.
These swaps can be made any number of times at zero or nominal cost. For instance, if you have just started your career and have 30-40 working years till you retire, a higher exposure to Stocks is good.
But as you approach retirement, your risk appetite may decrease and so should your Equity exposure.
To help the customers, especially housewives who are not financially clued in, understand the complexities of Ulips, Irda, the life insurance regulatory body, has laid out strict guidelines
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